Sunday, March 14, 2010


Every Spring Break the college ministry of Antioch Community Church takes a short term trip to the Mexico boarder. This year Charlie and I joined around 575 students for a trip to Edinburgh, TX. Our morning were filled with worship and teachings, afternoons with service projects and seminars, and evenings with local outreaches. Our "section" is made up of 54 students who names ourselves "City On A Hill." Our big team was broken up into smaller teams - evangelism, drama, and dance. Charlie ministered all week as part of the worship team and of course I was on the dance team! Our job was to portray the joy that is full in the Lord and attract people with our energetic dances. Then someone would share a personal testimony as the crowd gathered. Next the drama team would visually enact the creation, fall of man, and the redemptive act of Jesus Christ. After that we would share the gospel and invite people for salvation or healing. Of course with over 500 students doing this every night over the city for a week straight the Lord moves! There were tons of salvations and many healings.

This past week was our first mission trip as a couple and we were super excited to be hands on in ministry together. Thank you so much for all of your financial support and prayers. Hope to keep up with everyone soon :)

The dance squad himself


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