Friday, March 19, 2010

a father's love

the other day i was in line at target when a dad and three daughters got in line behind me. the dad was getting on to one of the girls about being late, him wanting to leave and not being able to find her for the last ten minutes. the teenager didn't have much of a defense but acted respectful, becoming aware that me and other people around were now caught in the family "discussion." about that time the dad became aware as well that those of us in their vicinity were politely pretending like we couldn't hear the argument. he said to her "you are the most selfish person in the world" in a tone that was clearly avoiding embarrassment and attempting to deflect the negative attention off of himself and blame the incident on "the most selfish person in the world." everything inside of me wanted to turn around and say "do you know what that just did to your daughter? it is your job to defend, protect, encourage, adore, and lovingly discipline your children. demeaning her in public is like an arrow piercing her heart, a wound that will fester and become a lie that speaks over her as long as you continue to treat her like that." i mean i could go on. luckily i kept my mouth shut and am now saying a prayer of protection and the father heart of God over those girls' hearts. i wish all dads knew the influence they have over their daughters hearts and that any good, bad, ugly, loving word he says to her forms the ins and outs of who she believes she is. there is my sermon to dads today. so to my dad (Dr. Doug) id like to say thank you. i have never known an unpleasant or negative word come from him-about me or about anyone. dad you helped shape my heart, you spoke love over me every day and im the woman i am today because you always believed i could do anything i put my mind and heart too.

on a side note! since charlie and i are living life as one and his life is just as cool as mine we have decided to start a "family" blog. follow us at


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